Category Archives: Life’s adventures

Rejection Versus Appreciation

Respect for you… Respect for me… Respect for everyone we encounter…

No one enjoys confrontation, no one appreciates having their dirty laundry brought in front of the worlds naïve eyes. Despite our fear of the worlds perception of us, that doesn’t change the fact that it exists. So, what would you say if I told you we each suffer from the fear of neglect… we each suffer from the fear of being rejected by friends, family, loved ones, often times even strangers. You could try to deny it, and maybe that’s an honest answer for you. Though I have a feeling that most of us would agree in these fears, we’d agree in the desire to be welcomed by the world and by the ones we often interact with.

Honestly, I have no desire to explain whether I’ve felt neglect or rejection from people in this world. Not because I fear the emotion that could come from addressing it, but because it doesn’t relate to the primary purpose of this post.

Photo Credit: Unknown

Each and every interaction we have, regardless the relationship to the person, is an opportunity to project the idea of importance and appreciation. Project the idea of importance and appreciation for the person in which we are interacting with.

I’ll explain.

Recently I had the privilege of meeting several remarkable men. The conversations I had with each of these men were of no significance; simply engaging in discussion about life and various topics. I’ve had deeper and more profound conversations with complete strangers. The difference is that these two men made me feel respected and honored through simple conversation; the complete opposite of neglect or rejection.

Which brings me to the point of this post, which is rather obvious and hopefully known by now. Each interaction we have with others in our world is an opportunity for change and impact. The interactions we have are opportunities to change a person’s life for the better and improve their emotions/perspectives on life. Each interaction is a chance to impact others in a positive way, or in a negative way if we fail. Simply treat each person with respect, allowing them to feel as if you genuinely desire their company. When we feel appreciated, our outlook on life will almost certainly improve.

I long for respect and appreciation from the world… though, I’ll never achieve such a dream until I’m willing to give the same respect and appreciation to others.

Graduation… who knew I’d make it…

Between you and I, and I guess the entire internet, I should probably be laying my head down and striving for even the slightest bit of rest before I graduate tomorrow afternoon.  It’s 4:25 at the time of my writing this post, and sleep seems like the most challenging concept to me.  I’ve dedicated the last 4 years of my life to this idea of a degree, in hopes that I’d become the successful person I’ve dreamed (and know) I’ll become.  But now that I’m reaching the end of this 4 year journey, I’m left with the fear of loosing what has passed.

Freshman Year

I transferred into Bethel second semester and hardly knew what I was getting into.  I wasn’t able to live in the dorm I wanted to, and I moved onto campus during a break in the school year; save to say I was one of 10 kids on campus.  I was unsure of myself and the “adventure” I had just begun.  Despite the fear, I was blessed to meet many amazing people; people that eventually changed my life.  Some of these people are now getting married, some of them I no longer see, and some… well some of them are still very dear friends of mine that I’d take a bullet for.

Sophomore year

I had the privilege of living with some remarkable guys sophomore year, one of the more memorable years of my life.  Countless cabin trips, exploring around Minneapolis, hot tub runs that resulted in near accidents on the way home; I don’t suggest falling asleep at the wheel….  Regardless the events or the challenges we encountered, my “brothers” and I were able to make the year a dream come true while teaming up with the girls next door.  Making sophomore year even more exciting, one of my best friends and the neighbor girl began dating…

Junior Year

The memories of college continue in the most abundant way, truly a blessing from my Lord and Savior.  Although, how my parents believed sending four college students to Florida was a good idea… I have yet to understand.  Despite their brief lapse in judgement, memories were made during that spring break escape.  I’d love to elaborate and share with you the riveting experiences that came from a week in sunny Florida, but what happens there… stays there.  I promise you this, we made memories and we wont ever forget them.  Oh, and if you know the owner of this boat… please don’t tell him we took a personal tour, thanks!

Senior year

I’m not sure how, but senior year finally arrived and I was still alive.  This year was filled with the adventure of a new “crew,” also known as the “crownies.”  I had the blessing of spending time with my closest “brothers”, while spending time with some of my favorite girls; including my sister!  The memories were crazy and unique, but always a blessing in my life.  Each of them continue to progress through the college experience, while I begin to leave and approach the next area of life.

There is no possible way to express the joy and fear I’m experiencing.  The only way to truly understand it is to go through graduation in your own life; which I’m sure many of you have been able to do.  I wish I could tell you about each memory I’ve grown to love since freshman year.  There is no room for the memories of cabin trips, battle lake, Branson Missouri, Marco Island, Milwaukee CSCA, Colorado NPDA, relationships began and relationships withered away… but every friendship remained strong, and not a single experience has grown to regret; every single one has grown into appreciation for the ones that surround me.

I love the experiences I’ve had over the years.  Despite my fear and anxiety of whats to come, the memories are in the past and I can no longer live in what has already occurred.  I look forward to my future and the bright opportunities the Lord has for me, the memories to come will only make life better; the memories to come will only make me love life more.

Did You Know You’re A Blessing?

Did you know how much you bless my life?

I could sit here and type out an elaborate example of how my life is crazy, how challenges turn into blessings and how a day never seems to be long enough. But the examples of my life will only paint a small picture in your mind, the hardships of my life may be blessings in your life; or visa versa. Everyone’s life is different, everyone’s joy and sadness emerges through different circumstances. Just as our life is drastically different than the people around us, so are the gifts we offer into this world.

Recently my mom talked to me about having a graduation party… before I graduated mind you. Let’s just say, my parents have more faith in my academic abilities than I do 😉

Moment of truth…

At first thought, I imagined it would be a little odd and out of place. College graduation parties are not nearly as common as the intense high school graduations we love (mostly for the 1919 Rootbeer and food). As life often goes, my parents had wisdom I was lacking. This relaxed graduation party, filled with most of my closest friends and family (though I consider them both family), was one of the highlights of my senior year; and lets keep in mind I traveled Europe this year. I’ve been blessed by these “family” members in my life, in more ways than I could ever express through the words appearing on your screen. I deserve very little in recognition or gratification I believe, but these people laid blessings upon me that night that will forever be burned in my memory. From co-workers expressing a job well done, brothers bringing tears to my eyes from the endless laughter (lets leave it at this, I was a tragic writer at age 7), best friends showering words of affirmation and leaving me with the immense challenge of holding back tears, and old family friends telling me how much I’ve grown since the childish years of my youth. But the highlight of my senior year was not that they brought joy to my heart through the kind and loving words…. It’s that the ones I’ve laughed with, fought with, definitely cried with… were there with me on that night.

A dear friend of mine explained the value of our friendship in a way he had never done before. But what he doesn’t realize is the things he’s done through my life that have impacted me. He was one of the most predominant people to walk through the challenges of my recent break up, he picked me up during my academic challenges, he has made trips with the soul purpose of lifting my spirits in times of heartache. But he’s not just there in the challenges but he’s also there in the blessings of life. When something goes wrong, he’s probably at my door step without me having to breathe a word. When something amazing has happened, chances are he was there making it a reality. This guy, and the several of men of God in our “group,” have been used by God to mold me into the man I am today (I’d like to think I’m somewhat manly).

Patience is a virtue…. I’m not done yet.

We live in a fallen world that seems to be moving only further down this tragic road, certainly not the straight and narrow. Many people don’t have a father and mother or perhaps neither. Some people are blessed to have both, and some receive the heavenly miracle of having several fathers… mothers… aunts… and uncles…

Perhaps your confused. My family is far greater than six people. Several of my second fathers/mothers (we call them spiritual uncles and aunts), were with me on that graduation night. Some were absent, but don’t kid yourself, I heard from each of them regardless their attendance. These men and women have been there through so many crucial moments in my life. Whether it be on top of Cody Peak, graduation day of high school (I should note, these manly men cried in front of hundreds of people that day, though so did I, but I blame them), each of them were there during the death of my grandma, they’ve been there and always will be there. My room is covered in items of the past. A three-pointed rock with significance that only a few men truly are capable of grasping, a book of quotes that I didn’t even know mattered to anyone until I was given this cherished piece of art, a Raising a Modern Day Knight sword… you cannot walk through my room without having a vivid image of my past, my present, and the people of my future.

Perhaps you’re sitting in the chair of yours wondering how these words relate to your life… perhaps you lean back with a smirk on your face, reminiscing about the memories you’ve shared with the “extended” family of your life… and of course, you must be wondering, am I (you) someone that special to my friends? I’ll respond with a simply statement. Of course it matters what kind of friend you are while in the room with the person, how you act and treat them when face-to-face. But it’s just as important to be the rare, unique, and spectacular friend while they are not present. It’s in my “families” absence that I know they still love and care deeply for me; and they will always be there to help me wipe some of that dirt off my shoulders.

I’ve grown up with these men and women of Christ… I fully intend to ascend into heaven with them…
A promise to the “family” in my life… My heavenly home will always be open to you.

God In The Stars, As Numerous As The Sands…

Gazing deep into the darkness of the deep blue sky you give your wonders, dreams, hopes, and aspirations to the heavens. In return you receive a glimmer of light in your eye from the heavenly stars above.

The waters crushing voice, the sounds of swift winds, nature’s singing crickets, and the soothing sound of a midnight’s sky surround you. As you gaze into this dark blue canvas you begin to imagine God and the masterpiece he has created. Although you may be alone; you feel surrounded by knowledge, by God. Each star glistens in its own individual way, each wind makes you feel a special tingle, each wave sends us a new beginning, and each cricket brings an old memory. And when added together, you get God’s personal painting on our own worldly canvas.

Photo Credit: Colorado Captures

What is it about the country that makes you take time for yourself, time to realize the good and bad of our lives. You look up into this sea of sparking darkness,  as if the stars provide a sort of insight into yourself. It is said that God made the stars in the sky as numerous as the sands of the earth. I look to the sky and discover the thoughts of my life, thoughts that originally did not make sense to me. What is it about this light filled sky that brings us closer to ourselves and closer to the one we call our Father.

Now if you’re aiming for the astronomy view, you can say that these beautiful dots of light are simply burning gasses from another galaxy, another “sun” if you will. As I look into this heavenly sky there is only a few explanations that come to my mind; beauty, happiness, creation, and most of all God. God created our earth with a little piece of him in everything around us; the waters of our lakes, trees of our forests, and the list continues. I believe God is seen in our midnight sky more than anything else our earth has yet to have shown us. It’s because I see God in our midnight heavens that I believe they are there for an additional reason besides astronomy. This reason being as simple as communion with God, togetherness with our world’s personal creator.

Prayer, the act or practice of making spoken or unspoken communication with God. Communion, a feeling of emotional or spiritual closeness, an association or relationship. God gave us prayer as a method of learning about Him, communicating with him, fellowshipping with him. Is it possible that God gave us the midnight heavens as another method of being alone with Him? A chance to look deep into ourselves while at the same time looking deep into our relationship with our Father.

There are a few key things I believe you should remember when talking about the night sky being a method of being alone with God. The sky does not possess special powers, just as trees don’t have Gods spiritual powers within them. God gave us this earth to use, we are supposed to be stewards here but while also remembering that these creations do not have souls and feelings. My argument is simple; the sky resembles one of our most beautiful sights as man, it’s one of the closest things we can match God with. Also, the darkness and solitude you receive while watching the sky provides a perfect chance to be alone with our God. The perfect chance to connect with Him on a very personal level.

God has given us above and beyond what we have deserved on this earth. If we took a moment to look at our lives, we’d be forced to realize that it’s completely true. Not only has God given us a lot, but also he has provided tremendous views on earth for us to admire. All of which should show how powerful He is, all of which we can use to have a great communion/prayer time with God.



God’s Hidden Blessing In An Obvious Curse…

The moon illuminates the dark Colorado roads, glistening off the magnificent mountains. The nature that engulfs this area is comparable only to the heavens we have yet to experience. The trip is slowing to a near end; this trip to the airport is filled with the unique and soothing sound of Mumford & Sons. Perhaps it’s the snow tipped mountains, maybe the solitude rendering my in a state of pure thought, or maybe God trying to teach me a lesson. Regardless the reason, I am brought through time to a memory… a three-day memory.

A seemingly average December day always has the potential to turn into a blindingly white blizzard, a blessing or curse of the Minnesota world. What could be defined as a three-day “curse,” allowed seven friends to become a “snowed in family.” This is the memory that is set on repeat in my mind; the blessings that came out of what should have been a negative.

I could tell you about Jordan dressing up in fluorescent blue pants and wearing dads old purple hat. Maybe you’d enjoy hearing about Ryan and I’s video documented trip through the blizzard, which may have ended with two grown men liking the ice and running away screaming for an undisclosed reason. There’s always the inside jokes behind endless photo booth pictures. Perhaps you’d prefer the foolish stories of the men wrestling in the snow, or sledding behind the Pathfinder. Personally, watching Ryan slide around behind the car and ending up face first in a snow bank was a highlight… perhaps this is due to my being the driver. But now that I’ve sufficiently wasted your time with the images flowing through my mind, I should probably tell you the real purpose for this post.
The blessings that we experience in our life could easily be interpreted in a negative fashion, just as the negatives also have blessings lurking in the midst.

So many times in my life have I made a fool of myself, shown others how easy it can be to act negatively. Isn’t it within my Christian job description to be a shining light for our Lord and Savior…. Then why act negative when I have a contrary emotion available to exhibit. We aren’t perfect, I could bring shock to your world about the wrong I’ve done (and I bet your could do the same to my world). But despite our sinful nature and desire to find the wrong in every circumstance… we have the privilege of free choice, the opportunity to discover the blessings Christ has laid out for us.

Imagine the last time you were grounded by your parents, for many of my readers that may be a challenge, do your best 😉 . Let me guess, you were sent to your room or grounded from the cell phone; furthermore you probably believed you were unjustly punished. Anger began to well up within yourself and you made certain to show your parents the anger that boiled over. Ever take yourself out of the equation and strived to look at the act of your grounding objectively? You may realize that your parents actions led to you being a better man, someone who perhaps was more trustworthy or gentlemanly. You could go so far to say that your parents decision to ground you, resulted in you being “good” enough to marry your husband/wife.
There are blessings around each corner, even when the tears slide down your face there is something that shows the blessings of Christ within our world.

Whether your stuck in your house for three days due to a blizzard, struggling from an emotional circumstance in life, or late because of a flat tire…
God has a blessing waiting to be found, a blessing waiting to emerge in your world.



Living Through This Life Together…

Imagine Genuine Friendship.

Imagine the people you love most in life, the ones you care so deeply for that when something goes even slightly wrong they are the ones who linger in your mind. Now… how about a minor prediction. I bet that the people you care so deeply for are the friends that have seen you at your worst (believe me, mine have) and seen you at your best… you’ve argued with them (believe me, I have) and they have argued with you… I bet they have brought pain into your life and yet they’ve also brought about abounding joy. The most significant friends of my like have a universal quality, despite the challenges that arise we always love each other as family. I want to share something with you, a quote that brought joy into my heart… a quote that exhibits the important and genuine aspects of friendship.

“It’s crazy how God has had me live this life in this time zone. I wasn’t Born 100 years ago or 100 years in the future. But just at this moment…… and to have friends like you blows me away. I feel blessed. Glad we can live through this life together.”

Before I get into the remainder of this post there is something important I should clarify within this quote. This individual is not the one who is blessed, simply it is I. This friendship (along with others) has brought me back from darkness, back from deep/profound sorrow… brought me the joys of life and the blessings of Christ. In the midst of friendships such as these I come to a rather depressing realization, one that needs to change in our world.


“It’s crazy how God has had me live this life in this time zone. I wasn’t Born 100 years ago or 100 years in the future. But just at this moment…… and to have friends like you blows me away. I feel blessed. Glad we can live through this life together.”

The Beginning of a friendship…

Friendships never start in the same way, there is no pattern you can expect to see emerge. Take Josh/Brian/Stefan for example, I met them because I was placed into a dorm I didn’t want to live in. Now, they are as close as brothers. Ryan Roetman ad Drew Klieman, I met these two remarkable guys through school (not in the same year obviously). I could provide you with stories that would make you laugh, stories that make your eyes start to water, or if you’d like… stories that make your stomach turn. Friendships begin in God given ways, but its not the origin that we are here to discuss…. It’s the love and thankfulness we each feel, but rarely reiterate.


Perhaps you feel expressing thankfulness and love for another person isn’t the most crucial aspect to a friendship, I argue otherwise. Have you ever dated someone you cared deeply for but failed to express the immense satisfaction you had for them? Chances are, they are no longer with you. Your chest feels a pressure within it, it’s as if your heart has become larger and inflicts pain upon you. You feel lost emotionally, unable to determine how to satisfy/solve for the depression that arises. What brought about this immense emotion? Remember, it was your inability to express the thankfulness that was needed.

Let’s use the individual who authored the remarkable quote listed above, I’ve made certain they know my appreciation for them. It’s not a relationship that I could have developed, its far to powerful for that. It’s a God given gift that has proven to be a crucial dynamic to my life, and without this gift I would clearly suffer. Relationships such as these are provided by God to assist you throughout life, an individual that has been to Hell and back with you.

Treasure the relationships you have, express your thankfulness for them.
When I look for laughter in my day, a moment to boost my spirits… I think of the memories these people have made with me.
Whether legal or not, we conquered the world together.


The Hello I Didn’t Give…

The music brings a vibration to my ears, my fingers clicking town on the keyboard in the only exercise I’ve had today… but as always, humor arises while posting up in the caribou coffee off of highway 5.  While I manage my homework and catch up on blogging, I find myself entranced by the people coming and going, always so fascinated by the human characteristics and how immensely they can vary.  But today it’s not so much the uniqueness of individuals, but the childlike world so many of us have forgotten… left behind.

I see a young boy across from me playing his Nintendo DS, eating a cup of straight whip cream (oh the benefits of having your mom work at caribou).  Another boy shows up almost as if he appeared from nowhere… are they friends? nope.  But they act as if their brothers or old friends.  Conversation sparks up about the game or other miscellaneous topics.  Surprise, a young girl shows up and feels like joining the conversation…. does she know these other two kids? Nope!  Three very young strangers act like friends and enjoy each others company, the awkwardness is non-existent.


Sometimes Childhood Friends Become Brothers And Sisters Forever

Continue reading

The unknown journey… Care for a ride?

Imagine for a moment your past…

In a moment I want you to imagine how your life has unfolded…  How were your childhood years, how did elementary school treat you, was high school and puberty brutal, did college force you to grow up or prolong your childish attitude, were you scared to start your first career, did you marry the girl of your dreams, have your children brought joy in the midst of cloudy days, has your life been all that you hoped for?
Perhaps that’s a lot to think about… but take a moment to think about life, read on after the 10 seconds or 10 minutes needed to reminisce.

My younger years…

When I look back on the memories of my childhood or gaze at the pictures in old photo albums, I have no choice but to laugh at myself.  I went through so many confusing phases, none of which I understand to this day.  I thought being mean to girls was clever to try to get them, my sweats and hoody phase, the horrible “skater” phase of huge shoes and backwards hats, I even had a phase that existed of me playing “Skip-it” from morning to night…


When high school rounded the corner in my life, I had a very small idea of what my identity in this world was… but still mostly clueless on where God was calling me.  School didn’t matter, grades were irrelevant, and the odd social life of my private school was the priority.  Friends in the morning, friends in the afternoon, friends at night.  High school was a four-year hang out with the people I cared about.

Where am I now… Where has life led me…

College, a time of life that can truly be defined as the highlight of my physical existence thus far.  But college is ending, the memories will soon cease to be created.  Twenty-four hour trips to the cabin, climbing around the Stone-Arch Bridge, Caribou escapes, concerts, laughing until you cry in the arms of your “brothers and sisters,” even crying in the arms of your “brothers and sisters,” a world of memories in only 4 brief years.  My room mates were there for me when I heard the news of my Grandma… a moment that still renders me teary eyed.  Ryan, Drew, Jordan and I growing in friendship… growing in brotherhood.  The men I’ve grown close to in college, will carry me through life until I reach the grace… and I them.

Bored yet?  The point is just around the corner, don’t give up on me yet…

An unknown journey to my future... Care for a ride?

Most of my readers are at this point…. college is ending or will end soon.  If your one of the adult readers, then you probably know how scary this moment in life can be.  I’m graduating in a few months, and I have no idea where I’m going.  I’m taking an unknown journey towards my future, care to join me in this adventure?

For months of this year I was worried about my future, where I would end up or how I would get there.  I would look at my past and the memories I’ve had, and I used to consider them just that… memories, nothing more.  There couldn’t be a greater lie in my life! These seemingly pointless events in my past have prepared me for whats to come.  They have set me on course and helped me build up speed for the more challenging aspects still to come.  Do I hate not knowing the future? YES!!  But there is an exhilarating aspect the I’ve come to know and appreciate.  Do you go into a horror movie and know the ending before it begins, do you truly want to know how Bruce Willis is going to kill the bad guys in Die Hard 4 before the movie even starts?  Wow, I couldn’t think of a bigger waste of time than seeing a movie I know the ending to (thanks Justin for ruining Fight Club before I saw it 😛 ).

Life scares me… My future worries me… The questions without answers silence me…
But if my future is anything like the events of my past, God has a remarkable life in store for me.

Look back on the years you’ve lived and smile…
Now imagine how much more you’ll have to smile about in ten years…..