Tag Archives: music

A Childlike Love, A Child Like Faith (PERU #3)

Think about our cultures opinions on people and life. In the general sense, most opinions are rather negative. When you look at a high school aged individual, you often assume they are immature or a nuisance to have around. What we forget is how immensely capable they are of caring for others; or more specifically, for Christ.

Childlike Curiosity

In Peru we were required to maintain a very hasty schedule, each and every day was filled with blessings but required every ounce of energy a human could offer. The nights often resulted in each team member falling asleep as early as they could, between 10 and 11:30. I arrived at the hotel rather late, and certainly passed curfew. Despite the late hour, I found almost the entire youth group awake. They weren’t being obnoxious; they weren’t running around making noise, they weren’t even talking about current social topics. Each of them lifted up their Lord and Savior in worship, praising God for a week of blessing and awakening deep in their souls. I gazed in a room of children and teens, but tonight I saw a room of young adults honoring their creator.

Childlike Passion & Zeal

We can look down upon our youth, question their zeal for Christ during a trip to Peru, or even demand extensive rules be placed upon them to maintain order. In reality, it was the youth that led spontaneous worship sessions, it was the youth that has been impacted for life, it was the youth that made countless eternal friendships, it was the youth that sought God’s heart in an indescribable way.

The youth of our trip grasped the idea of worship; they took it upon themselves to thrive in their Lord’s presence.  We can be angry that curfew was broken, but then your missing the point.  God calls to the children of our world, and the youth of our trip answered such a call.  They grew in God’s Word, they grew in their worship of Him, and they grew in community because of Him.

Childlike Faith

I thank God for giving these kids a childlike love. I thank God for providing me an example of what my life has been missing and how simple it is to achieve the faith I desire to have.

A Night Of Musical Memory

An odd start to an important message

Sometimes I find myself confused with the way I go about things… uncertain why I must do things the way I do. Take for example the beginning of this post. I type several lines of thoughts, over and over again they were deleted and my screen bright with an empty white background once again. I couldn’t decide the music to play and the sound alone confused me. I closed my eyes, put on headphones to block out the silence that had become so loud, and began to write. Began to spill my thoughts onto this digital notepad. The annoying thing for you, the reader, is thinking that this is a post about my habits or disgust with my slow start to a simple post… but you’ll soon realize this is a post about the night I’ve recently experienced, the night of musical memory.

Few Knights remain in our world

Many years ago I had the privilege of babysitting for a dear friend of mine, Brian; though I would of referred to him as Mr. at the time. I had never baby sat for a single person before. You could try and say that I’d watched over my brother and sister in the past, but in reality it was more like a violent anarchy. Regardless, I watched over two young boys, one of which was named Brandon. It was the dream job, play video games and eat pizza. I’m not quite sure why more men haven’t realized the secret benefits of babysitting. Brandon was a young kid; we played Legos and pretended to live in the medieval times. I’d love to tell you I won the sword fight, but I wasn’t quite gifted in the art of swordsmanship.

Brandon and Andrew last year... One year later we had an encore.

This afternoon I understood the expression, “don’t blink.” It seemed like yesterday that a friend’s boy, wielding a painfully strong plastic sword, was chasing me. Today… well today he showed the world he was a young man of God and someone likely to make a mark in this world. Brandon and his father Brian sang in front of many family friends. He was once a young boy but today… knocks on the door of manhood. Brian has shown Brandon how to be a Knight in a world nearing the absence of chivalry. They have grown together, developed a passion together, and most of all a love for each other.

Four childhood friends, become four Godly influences in our world.

The families that gathered tonight haven’t known each other for many years, before some of the kids were even born. We grew with each other through childhood, the awkward teenage years, and now we begin to enter the world as adults. Andrew, Gracie, Maddie, and Curtis have known each other longer than they could likely remember. I’m sure their parents have those embarrassing pictures we each try to pretend don’t exist. They’ve gone through life learning their strengths and passions, they’ve learned how to excel in the gifts God has given each of them. Each of these remarkable people took a God given gift of childhood friendship, and turned it into a life long experience.

Only yesterday were these four dear friends absent of my social life. I’ll admit it. I was older and more “mature,” why would I of been spending my time with the younger crowd. I talked with the other family friends, more towards my age. These people have grown to be remarkable friends, and will become true men and women of our Savior. They each have an understanding of their God given gifts, and intend to impact the world using those skills.

Blink if you must… but life waits for no one.

If I were to post about the amazing people I’ve come to know and be greatly influenced by, I would be writing on an hourly basis… perhaps I’d need a thesaurus to avoid over using the words remarkable and blessing. The point isn’t how blessed I’ve been with the friends and family of my life, its how fast times change and how quickly we go from innocent children in a small world, to adults in a far from innocent and very large world.

Every time I look back on the memories I’ve been given, it seems so much has passed by already. Blinking is a necessity of life and obviously I cannot avoid doing what is humanly necessary; but I hope and pray for nights like these. I saw my family bound with the families around us. My “spiritual uncles invest such love in their kids, love that they’ve also invested into me. I saw friends who used to run around in diapers or drop my camera into a river; become some of my most valuable “possessions.” Perhaps you doubt me, but you heard it here first… these names will be known in the years to come.

Life is like the wind… we cannot see it or truly understand it… it’s swift, coming through one window only to leave through the next…. Cherish each gentle breeze that influences you and how you flow through life.

Wishing for Better, Wishing for Myself

“Your eyes on my secrets…”

A link to Matthew Mayfield's website

Here is a link to the song: Better
If you’ve ever been in a relationship, especially as a male, you may connect to this song as I did.  Matthew Mayfield is a man striving to illustrate the challenge he has faced, relationships.  Life is challenging and we all have a past that will inevitably come back to haunt us.  It’s as he says, “demons on my sleeve”  The past is right there, it seeps through our pores and is manifested in our actions/language.

Realizing that we all have a past, usually not a pleasant one, is not the focal point of Matthew lyrics though…  Instead he desires the girl within the song to realize a crucial dynamic.  Matthew doesn’t know what she wants… he hasn’t found what she needs… BUT, “don’t think what you’re after is more than I can be.”  The message is deep in emotion, but the purpose is crystal clear.  We have a past and relationships are complicated, but that doesn’t mean we wont be all that you (the girl) deserves… it doesn’t mean we wont become the “better” man you deserve.
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Peace and Solitude within a Caffeinated Beverage

~Caffeinated Joy…. Caffeinated Peace~

Joy Within A Cup

How do you put words to the joy and satisfaction that can be obtained through being alone with your music and coffee?  I feel a significant level of peace come over myself when i take the time to separate myself from the noise of our world, a feeling that the world is currently still.  The world is so fast paced, never-ceasing or pausing for even the most crucial of reasons… finding an opportunity to press the pause button on my own life allows for such happiness to emerge.  Imagine for a moment, the ability to take a step back from reality and look at the events of the past and present… truly gaining an opportunity to understand the life we’ve been trying to live… living life with an understanding of who we are.

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The Last Thing I Saw Coming

Lovely Tonight
(Joshua Radin)

Whether I’m happy, sad, angry, or confused (etc) I find joy within the music written by Joshua Radin.  His lyrics provoke significant emotion and thoughts, urging you to evaluate your own life and the desire of your heart.  one of the first songs I had ever heard by him was Lovely Tonight, a song describing Joshua’s beloved girl.


Photo Credit: Janelle Elise Photography

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The Lucky Ones

Brendan James- The Lucky Ones

Darkness overcomes the world, the way home is only shown through the illumination of my headlights.  The roads are empty, the earth is quiet… leaving me alone, left to ponder life.  It’s weird the things that come to mind while we dwell in the silence, left to communicate amongst ourselves.  Concepts of the unknown flood my mind, joys and fears contradict themselves.  In the midst of all the mental confusion, there is a song that brings a bit of hope to an otherwise unknown situation.

Brendan James signs a song called “The Lucky Ones.”  The lyrics are strong and speak to the heart.  They speak in the same way that I often think; “like all those before us, we start out alone.”  We are unique within this world… individuals that have their own dreams and aspirations, but no idea where to go with them.  God created us to care about the people in this world, but so often we abuse the emotions we are given; “with hearts in our hands, like loaded guns.”  Brendan is communicating what so many of us fail to realize.  When we care for another, and they care for us, it’s not a simple relationship or endeavor that you’re engaging in.  More precisely, your holding a loaded gun (his/her heart)… although you could be the one they trust to hold it, you could also be the one they worry will pull the trigger.

But in the end, we have our friends and family to help us through these scary moments of life.  They’ve been there before us, they’ll be there with us, and they encourage us saying “you’ll do better than we ever did.”  Learn from the ones around you, they’ve made the mistakes that you should obviously avoid.  Learn from others, learn from yourself, learn there are no mistakes and only lessons… it is then you will truly succeed, truly become “the lucky ones.”