Tag Archives: debate

Surrounded By A Crowd… Yet I Stand Alone…

The Status Quo Within A Debate Weekend.

The buzz of a nearby timer ceases and silence falls over the room. The sound of shuffling papers fills the room as I prepare, “I’ll go two off-case, first the DA then a T. Then I’ll finish by going through Line-by-Line on the case. Everyone ready, here we go.” For the next 8 minutes of my life the individuals filling the room will hang on my every word, even going as far to keep a “flow” of my ordering and arguments. My partner has 6 papers to spill notes unto and my opponents scramble to prepare rebuttals to each statement I make in their next speech. Don’t get me wrong here everyone, debate was a fantastic experience and my team was such a blessing. But it was in the midst of this debate weekend this post was born, in the midst of this weekend I discovered how it can sometimes feel to be alone in what defines me….
A Christian.

Above is a picture by the remarkable Justin Vagle, and another aspect of inspiration for the emotions I am currently writing about...

In a room of students.

I sit in my chair, surrounded by a world defined as debate and wait for the competitor to spill his thoughts onto the paper that fills the room. The timer beeps and within seconds he has left the room with the sound of his words moving at 400 words a minute, the scribble of pens flowing arguments, and a heavy confusion within my brain. But it’s not the debate that has left me confused, it’s the heavy realization of solitude. In a room of students, I stand-alone.

The door shuts behind me as I begin the five-minute trek to the lobby of the hotel; this presents the odd challenge of maneuvering a maze like pattern (silly architect). The sound of a hundred college students fill the air before I even arrive in the lobby, St. Patrick’s day has certainly begun. Handshakes occur, conversations are exchanged, laughter is shared. The lobby has proven the focal point of socialization at this late hour and yet… In a room of students, I stand-alone.

I am a tree surrounded by desert brush (no, this is not environmentalist 😉 ).

When I look at my life and the actions entailed within it, there is no doubt that I am different from the majority of our God-given world. But when I look at my life and the actions entailed within it, I also know that I am not the man of Christ I could be and therefore I continue to learn and grow in my Savior’s ways. When I look at Justin’s Vagle’s picture I see an illustration of my life currently. A tree growing in the sunshine of Christ, surrounded by a world of corruption and sin.

Look at the picture again, the tree is weak and still growing in the environment it has been given. But that doesn’t dictate the future, there is room to grow and change. In a world of faith and relationship with Christ, we grow eternally. I know personally I look forward to the continuous growth in Christ, the opportunity to grow in myself and in my spirituality. More importantly I’ll (and you) will have the opportunities during our life to help those “shrubs” around us. Sorry, perhaps that sounds harsh or cruel. I’m referring to the idea that we as Christians are intended to be a light to the world and help our friends and strangers grow in a relationship with Christ.
Perhaps I’m not the perfect Christian I’d like to be, but despite earthly challenges I intend to continue my relationship with the true savior.

Now I should briefly note! This last weekend I was not standing alone in my faith. My team was remarkable and stands strong for the Lord, that’s not debatable. But this post is intended to express the emotional solitude that may occur in the most social of dynamics.

(I should mention I lost some of my thought process, so hopefully this post still flowed as I intended)

In a world such as ours we mustn’t be in a room of students, standing alone. In a world such as ours, we must shine together as followers as Christ.